It’s a fact of life: periods are messy. They can be painful, uncomfortable, and inconvenient. They are also an important function of a woman’s body and deserve proper care and understanding.
Some menstrual cramps are caused by hormones, while others are triggered by conditions that could be addressed with medication or other treatments. There are many ways to help manage your period pain, but we’re only going to discuss some herbal teas for period cramps.
Why Drink Tea for Menstrual Cramps?
Tea is a great way to help with period cramps. The health benefits of tea are as follows:
- It can help you feel more relaxed, especially when you’re stressed out or anxious.
- It has antioxidants that can reduce inflammation and pain from menstrual cramps and help regenerate cells in the body.
- Tea contains magnesium, which helps relax muscles in your uterus and cervix, pelvis, and lower back. It’s also an anti-inflammatory agent that reduces swelling during menstruation.
- Teas have caffeine that can give you an energy boost when you’re feeling sluggish. Drinking tea can help chase the heavy feeling away.
- Tea consumption is also proven to reduce the release of stress hormones, like cortisol. This hormone is also responsible for hot flashes and headaches.
When you’re looking for an alternative beverage to hydrate yourself during your period, tea is your best answer. Ready to know what tea to drink during a period? We’re spilling the tea.
What Tea Helps With Period Cramps?
If you’ve ever had period cramps, then you know that they can be painful. Fortunately, several teas have been proven to ease the pain of menstrual cramps and make them more bearable.
Red Raspberry Leaf Tea for Period Cramps

This is a great tea to drink during your period. It’s good for menstrual cramps, and it may help to relieve the pain of a heavy period or irregular bleeding.
Red raspberries contain antioxidants that can help you feel better overall. It reduces symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). For individuals with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), when your period comes, it’s often associated with intense cramping. In some instances, cramping and bloating can even happen without the period. Red raspberry tea helps relieve the discomfort that women with PCOS have to endure.
Hibiscus Tea for Period Cramps

Hibiscus tea is a good source of vitamin C, iron, and calcium. It can help with cramps, bloating, and stomach pain.
Hibiscus flowers are also known as roselle and rose hips. They have been used in traditional medicine for many years as an herbal remedy for menstrual pain, as well as other health issues related to the digestive system, headaches, high blood pressure, and even asthma attacks.
Ginger Tea for Period Cramps

Ginger is a natural pain reliever, anti-nausea herb, and digestive aid. It’s also been shown to reduce cramps by as much as 50%. Ginger has been used in herbal medicine for centuries to treat menstrual cramps.
Ginger contains many compounds that can help relieve your period pains in a number of ways:
- Anti-inflammatory properties reduce swelling and pain associated with menstruation (menstrual migraine) while also helping the body fight off colds and flu.
- Ginger is an antioxidant known for its ability to prevent damage from free radicals caused by excessive exposure to pollution or radiation.
Chamomile Tea for Period Cramps

Chamomile tea is a great way to calm your nerves and relax. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile make it a good choice for menstrual cramps, but it can also help reduce bloating and constipation. Drinking hot or cold chamomile tea before bed can help with sleep, as well.
You can brew loose-leaf tea using any method that works best for you: bags, loose leaves in a pot on the stovetop (or even in the microwave), or bags folded into sachets and placed in water overnight before serving. You will want about two teaspoons per cup of water. Add honey if desired!
Peppermint Tea for Period Cramps

Peppermint tea can be a great choice for period cramps. The minty flavor is soothing and helps to relax the muscles, which can help alleviate pain. Drinking peppermint tea can help reduce cramping by reducing the spasms of the smooth muscles of the abdomen.
While there are no concrete studies to establish the effects of peppermint tea on menstrual bleeding, anecdotal claims state that the menthol in the tea minimizes uterine contractions.
Cinnamon Tea for Period Cramps

Cinnamon tea is a great source of antioxidants and has been known to help with blood circulation, digestion, and even pain relief. The benefits of cinnamon include:
- Antioxidants: Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde, which is thought to increase the antioxidant activity in your body. This means that it could have some anti-inflammatory properties, as well.
- Blood Circulation: Drinking hot or cold cinnamon tea can help improve the flow of blood through your arteries by dilating them (making them larger). Drinking hot water and cinnamon tea also increases your body temperature, which improves circulation throughout all parts of your body, including those organs associated with menstruation, like the uterus and ovaries.
Green Tea for Period Cramps

Green tea is one of the most popular teas in the world, and it’s no wonder why. Green tea has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including reducing inflammation and pain. It can also help you urinate more, which will help relieve bloating and pressure during your period.
When it comes down to it, green tea is one of our favorite teas because it has so many vitamins and antioxidants that can help us feel better physically as well as mentally!
A cup or two of tea every morning before breakfast will be helpful if you experience cramps during menstruation. The tea will relax smooth muscle tissue throughout the entire digestive tract, including stomach muscles. This way, they don’t get tense again when experiencing discomfort during their menstrual period.
If you’re suffering from period cramps, many different teas can help relieve the pain. The best tea for period cramps depends on what type of pain you’re experiencing and how much you want relief. Take your time trying out different types until you find one that works best for your needs!
How do I get instant relief from PMS?
If you have a regular period, it’s easy to anticipate your period and prepare for it. For those with irregular periods, it can be tricky. It’s common to feel sudden cramping and bloating. One of the quickest ways to relieve symptoms of PMS is to drink plenty of water. Hydrate! If you want a more natural way, you can apply a heat pack on your hypogastrium. If the pain becomes unbearable, you can take an over-the-counter analgesic (pain reliever).
What tea is good for mood swings?
Almost all teas are great for uplifting your mood. This includes ginger, lemongrass, saffron, and valerian tea. The best, by far, is green tea. It contains L-theanine, an amino acid proven to reduce stress.
What drink should I avoid during menstruation?
Alcohol. When you have your period, especially during your heavy days, it’s not ideal to drink alcoholic beverages. Alcohol consumption leads to dehydration. This dehydration can worsen the symptoms of menstruation, including headaches and bloating. Drinking alcohol during your period can also result in a number of digestive issues, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.