One of the joys of life is having the freedom and opportunity to do the things you love. One of which is making delicious foods and beverages that bring joy and happiness to you and your family.
Ever wondered if you can infuse lavender in tea? The short answer is yes.
Lavender milk tea is one of those beverages that offer a soothing and calming relief with its scent alone. It’s a drink that you can easily prepare at home. It’s also elegant enough to serve your guests who visit over the weekends.
Are you ready to put lavender in your tea and enjoy the many benefits it can bring you? If yes, read on to learn more about our lavender milk tea recipe.
What is Lavender Milk Tea

Lavender milk tea is a delicious drink that has been used for thousands of years, including in the ancient civilizations of China and India. The drink is made by steeping fresh or dried lavender flowers in warm milk.
In its simplest form, the only things you need to prepare this tea are lavender flowers, tea, and water. There are, however, various ways you can prepare this lovely drink. You can add milk and sweeten it a bit with honey or sugar sweetener, or you can try different tea bases to allow its full flavors to come out.
The beauty of making homemade lavender tea is that you can go for alternative ingredients, like trying different teas. You can use green tea or infuse it with black tea.
What Does Lavender Milk Tea Taste Like?

Want to know what lavender milk tea tastes like before heading into the kitchen to make it? Lavender milk tea has a creamy, floral taste. What stands out is the fragrance of lavender. The taste of lavender is quite subtle, but you won’t miss its fragrant smell.
Perhaps the smell is what contributes to the taste of the lavender milk tea, as our sense of smell contributes to how we taste our food and drinks.
Aside from being a perfect pick-me-upper, lavender tea is also great for calming and relaxation.
Ready to find out what other benefits you can get from drinking this creamy floral tea?
Lavender Milk Tea Benefits
The soothing aroma of homemade lavender milk tea will calm your nerves, making it an excellent choice for relaxing on a lazy day or tackling some heavy homework. Lavender milk tea can also be used as a sleep aid, a stomach remedy, and more!
Lavender milk tea is a home remedy for throat and lung infections
Lavender is a natural antihistamine, which means it can help relieve coughs and congestion. The oil in lavender also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that make it an effective remedy for throat infections, as well as lung issues, such as asthma.
Lavender tea is one of the most common home remedies used today because of its soothing effects on the throat, sinuses, and lungs. Since there are many different types of lavender tea blends available online or at stores, choosing which one will work best for your needs will depend on what you want out of this drink. You could be looking to treat a sore throat, reduce inflammation in the throat, or disinfect germs from surfaces around your home – or all three!
The best part about drinking sweetened lavender in hot water with honey every day is that it is affordable enough that anyone can benefit from it without breaking their budget!
Lavender milk tea can be used to help sleep
Lavender is a natural soothing agent that has been used for centuries as a sleeping aid. It helps with stress and anxiety, depression, and headaches.
Lavender milk tea can help you fall asleep faster. The natural compounds found in lavender have been shown to promote relaxation and calm, so adding it to your bedtime routine will help you relax before going to sleep.
If you have trouble sleeping or wake up feeling groggy in the morning because of jet lag or insomnia, try drinking a cup of lavender milk tea before bed. You may fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer!
Lavender milk tea is also good for your stomach
Lavender milk tea may help treat stomach issues, like indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. If you have stomach issues, lavender tea may help calm down your digestive system so that it doesn’t feel so tense or upset.
Lavender tea also has a calming effect on the mind and body. This makes it great for helping people relax after a long day at work or school, or even just relaxing in general.
Convinced to try this soothing drink? Lavender tea is a great remedy for the common cold and other respiratory infections, as well as digestive problems, like nausea and upset stomachs. It also has many benefits when it comes to sleep, including helping you relax before bedtime and letting your mind wander off into dreamland more easily. If you want to add some freshness to your daily routine, give lavender milk tea a try today!
Now that you know the different benefits of drinking lavender milk tea, you’re probably wondering, What is lavender milk tea made of? Read on to learn more!
Lavender Milk Tea Ingredients

Yield: 2 cups
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Here’s what you need:
- Lavender buds (2 tablespoons): Your lavender buds can make or break this drink. Aside from being the main ingredient, lavender buds should be the culinary lavender type. If you’re not growing them, but only the edible lavender buds. Never use essential oils for this tea. Use fresh or dried lavender buds.
- Tea of choice (4 tea bags): If you want a simple base, we suggest using Assam black tea. You can also use green tea or matcha green tea if you want a boost of caffeine in your drink.
- Milk (2 cups): You can choose any milk to use for this recipe. If you want your milk tea to be creamier, use coconut milk. This milk will highlight the bright and wonderful lavender taste of the milk tea.
- Brown sugar or honey (4 tablespoons): You can add as much as four tablespoons of brown sugar or honey to your drink. If you don’t want it too sweet, skip adding a sweetener or lessen it to your preference. For those adding boba pearls to their lavender milk tea, add the sugar to the tapioca pearl and let it become the sweetener.
- Vanilla extract (4 drops): Adding vanilla extract to your lavender tea will make this drink even more calming and soothing with its smooth flavor. Make sure your vanilla is pure.
- Filtered water (for steeping): When steeping your tea, always use filtered water. The amount of water used depends on how concentrated you want your tea to be.
How to Make Lavender Milk Tea
Here’s how to make your own lavender milk tea at home.
Heat it up!
Bring water to a boil. For two cups of lavender milk tea, you should boil two cups of water. Once it’s on a roiling boil, turn off the stove.
Let it steep
Get your tea infuser and fill it up with lavender buds. Dunk it into the hot water, along with the tea bags. Allow them to steep for 5 minutes. If you want it to be more concentrated, you can lessen your water or add more minutes to the steeping time.
Milk it.
While you’re infusing the tea, microwave the milk to warm it. It should not be at room temperature. Once it’s warm, pour the milk into the tea infusion.
Did you know that you can also make this drink your own version of lavender boba tea? It’s easy! You just have to add cooked tapioca pearls, and you’ll have yourself a delectable lavender bubble tea!
Here’s how to cook tapioca pearls.
- In boiling water, add the tapioca pearls. Slightly stir them from time to time so they don’t stick to each other.
- Allow it to boil for five minutes.
- Once you see the pearls floating on the water, you can turn off the heat and run the pearls on cold water while draining the hot water.
- Cover them with honey or brown sugar syrup.
- Add them to your drink before pouring in the other ingredients.
- Add ice cubes, stir, and serve!
If you plan to prepare tapioca pearls from scratch, check out our tapioca pearl recipe here.
Does lavender tea make you sleep?
Yes, lavender tea has been proven to aid individuals struggling with insomnia and other sleep problems. You might wonder about the caffeine in tea, and how this compound is a potent stimulant. It’s true. However, in teas, the caffeine isn’t as high as in coffee.
You can choose to use tea bases that don’t have much caffeine. You can also tweak the steeping time so you don’t get the stimulating effect of the tea but rather the calming effect of the lavender.
What tea does lavender pair well with?
Lavender pairs well with most teas. The best ones that will highlight its aroma and taste are black tea, earl grey, and green tea.
What does lavender do to your brain?
Lavender has been the subject of many studies and has been found to have numerous health benefits for the brain. Studies show that this beautiful purple flower has anti-depressive, anticonvulsant, sedative, and anxiolytic properties. This means that it has calming properties. In the past, it was used as an effective treatment for migraine and epileptic attacks.
Studies have shown that this effect stimulates the nose and passes on signals to the brain. This means that anxiety relief happens by affecting the brain through lavender’s fragrance.